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Four Phase Tank Assesment

Tanknology’s Proprietary Alternative to Manned-Entry

Underground Storage Tank (UST) inspections performed via manned entry are risky and expensive. They are also frequently inaccurate. A better – and safer – solution is Tanknology’s Four Phase Tank Assessment method.

As the worldwide leader in UST compliance solutions, Tanknology has combined a precision tank tightness test, a corrosion survey, and an unmanned internal tank inspection done by a remote camera with an expert review by a certified Corrosion Protection Specialist. This provides an accurate and economical assessment of a tank’s condition – all without the risks of manned entry.

The proprietary Tanknology method, which is third-party certified for steel tank assessments, as well as listed under ASTM Alternative Assessment Methods, is conducted in four phases:

PHASE ONE: VacuTect® Precision Tightness Test of the UST

The Tanknology VacuTect system is the world’s most accurate and popular method for verifying the tightness of underground tanks and lines. It tests both the wet and dry parts of the tank in a single test, using a patented vacuum methodology. The VacuTect method has been used throughout the world on more than a million USTs.

PHASE TWO: Site Corrosion Survey

A comprehensive site survey evaluates the environmental and structural conditions that may be causing corrosion and therefore deterioration in the tank, pipes, joints and connectors. This corrosion survey and data evaluation is conducted under the direction of NACE International certified Corrosion Protection Specialists. NACE International is recognized around the world as the premier authority for corrosion control solutions.

PHASE THREE: PetroScope® Remote Camera Unmanned Internal Tank Inspection

The Tanknology PetroScope system is a proprietary method of thoroughly inspecting the interior of a UST using a remote-controlled camera equipped with high intensity lighting. This specialized video system provides a detailed inspection of all aspects of the UST interior, capturing the inspection video on a DVD – all without the need for manned entry.

PHASE FOUR: Expert Review and Reporting

The VacuTect test, the corrosion tank inspection video and corrosion field report is formally reviewed by a NACE International certified Corrosion Protection Specialist. A final report details the conditions of the tank and its suitability for continued use, as well as any recommendations regarding corrosion protection and re-inspection.

  • Performs most tank tests in 120 minutes with no disruption in customer fuel pumping services from other tanks. (Total on-site time will vary, depending on specific site set-up, line testing, rig down, and paperwork.)

  • Capability to test two tanks simultaneously. Four tanks can be tested in approximately four hours.
  • Powered by an explosion-proof motor with automatic shut-off safeguard and emergency shut-off button.

  • No fluids are released during testing – an environmental concern, especially with hazardous materials.

  • Certified to test tanks up to 75,000 gallons (283,500 liters) at any product level, including empty, if total ullage volume does not exceed 20,000 gallons (75,708 liters).

  • Results are attained through a self-calibrating system automatically controlled by proprietary software run on a laptop.

  • Tank down-times are reduced as there is no need for product removal, water filling. Variables associated with vapor pockets, temperature, pressure, vibration and tank calibration accuracy do not affect the VacuTect process.

  • The vacuum method is more environmentally acceptable as it does not contribute to the loss of fuel through a leak.

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At A Glance

The benefits of our Four Phase Tank Assessment:

  • The comprehensive program combines a tank test, visual inspection and corrosion survey to provide a complete picture of the condition of the UST system.
  • A complete internal tank inspection is performed, without the risk and high cost of manned-entry.
  • Our thorough inspection protocol is more accurate and thorough than visual inspections.
  • Internal inspection is captured on video, providing permanent evidence of the condition of the tank’s condition at the time of inspection.