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NESHAP Stage I Vapor Balancing

One of the most recent regulatory requirements for UST facilities is the EPA’s National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, better known as NESHAP, Subpart CCCCCC.

This new regulation, which is intended to help minimize the fuel vapors released from a fueling facility, requires most operators to conduct regular Stage I Vapor Balancing testing at their sites.

These tests are designed to verify the integrity of pressure-vacuum vent valves installed on USTs as well as to confirm that vapor balance systems comply with specific static pressure requirements.

Fueling facilities with at least 100,000 gallons per month in throughput were required to be in compliance with this new regulation by Jan. 10, 2011 and new facilities must be in compliance at start-up. Thereafter, systems must be tested every three years.

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At A Glance
We have a package of services designed specifically to meet these NESHAP Stage I Vapor Balancing compliance requirements. This program includes:

Pressure/Vacuum Vent Cap Testing: Tanknology will perform a vent cap test, using its proprietary pressure/vacuum vent cap tester, per CARB TP-201, E, and install new compliant PV caps, as necessary.

Pressure Decay Testing:
Our field technicians will perform a 2-inch pressure decay test, per CARB TP-201.3.

Drop Tube Length Inspection & Verification: A technician will inspect and verify that the drop tube inside the tank is installed to within the specified distance of the tank bottom.

Tanknology’s Proprietary Pressure/Vacuum Vent Cap Tester