DieselCheck™ Inspections
Whether for a fleet, truck stop or generator, fuel quality is mission critical. The costs to your operation from bad fuel can far way beyond the damage to engines. A key to preventing that level of disruption is taking a proactive approach that allows you to identify problems forming in diesel fuel while they’re still manageable.
Tanknology’s DieselCheck™ Inspection program helps you do just that – it utilizes proactive periodic fuel sampling and analysis to give you a glimpse into each tank and an opportunity to treat or filter the fuel to help sustain optimum performance.
How It Works
On scheduled intervals (monthly, quarterly, etc.), highly trained Tanknology field technicians use a proprietary sampling method to collect fuel samples from single or multiple points in your aboveground or belowground diesel storage tanks. The collected samples are visually analyzed for particulates, microbes or bottom water, indicating the potential for existing or potential microbial growth.
If water is found, it is removed using Tanknology’s FuelPure™ fuel filtration service, which removes the water – and other impurities – and returns clean fuel to your tank. If the fuel contamination is substantial, a fuel additive or biocide can be employed to address the problem. If the fuel is anything less than ‘clear and bright,’ it may be sent for laboratory analysis.
If lab results indicate a problem requiring further intervention, Tanknology’s TankCam™ visual internal inspection, coupled with the TankClean™ thorough tank cleaning process may be employed. If required, our FuelPure™ fuel filtration process may also be employed.
The DieselCheck Inspections program can help you proactively manage your diesel tanks and the fuel inside them – so that your operations aren’t suddenly – and surprisingly – impacted by bad fuel.
To learn more, or to discuss specific compliance needs for your site, call us today at 1-800-964-1250.
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