Two-Phase UST Assessment Programs
Using remote video as a first step to determining the condition of your tanks and options for the future.
Operators of fueling sites with fiberglass tanks that were installed after the EPA 40 CFR part 280 UST regulations were launched in 1988 are now looking at a tank population that is between 20 and 30 years old.
Prudent operational practices suggest that it’s time to evaluate those tanks and fueling systems – and get solid answers to some really important questions: What’s the condition of the tanks? Can you get by with them for another 5 or 10 years? Get a quote or moe information.Do any need to be repaired or upgraded? Do any need to be replaced now? And if so, how do you prioritize them?
These can be tough questions to get good answers to. But those answers are important. If you could get a good look at the conditions inside your tanks, would they look like the pictures shown here? Every one of them is from an aging fiberglass UST. Imagine the potential exposure if those cracks or blisters are leaking product into the ground or, worse, the water table.
Through the video monitor, the technician sees the condition of the tank prior to cleaning, uses the visibility to manually guide the tank washing process to precisely the areas in need of cleaning, and documents the state of the tank at completion.
What are you dealing with?
Getting a clear look is the critical first step. You need to see what’s actually happening inside those tanks.
Tanknology has developed an assessment program for these aging fiberglass USTs. It starts with our proprietary TankCam® Inspection Service. The TankCam service provides a quick and cost-effective, yet very detailed look inside your tank. In fact, the images you see here were all captured with the TankCam.
Using state-of-the-art remote video technology, a Tanknology certified technician remotely inspects the tank, clearly identifying structural or lining problems such as cracks, blistering, delamination, crazing or exposed fibers that could be exposing you to a leak from the tank.
The tools to make an informed decision.
The TankCam Inspection Service results in a digital video record, which details everything the technician sees in the inspection, helping you to make informed decisions about your future plans for each tank.
If the results of the TankCam Inspection indicate that a tank may have become deformed over time, we can also employ our Tank Deflection and Deformation Testing system to verify whether the roundness of the tank is within its specified tolerance.
Both the TankCam and Tank Deflection and Deformation Testing services are performed from above ground, eliminating the risks and high costs of manned entry and the inconvenience of emptying the tanks of fuel.
TankCam is Patent Pending.
If you would like to gain a better sense of the condition of your aging fiberglass tanks, or perhaps a broader database detailing all of the components of your fueling systems, talk to us about our Comprehensive Site Inspection Services.
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